What is it?
CBD is Cannabidiol and it is one of the non-hallucenogenic components found in cannabis.It is extracted from the seeds and stems of hemp.
Do I get high from it?
No, the component of marijuana that gets you high is called THC.
What are the benefits?
Our bodies naturally have an endocannabinoid system which means that there are cannabis like substances that can naturally be found in our bodies. The endocannabinoid system helps to bring homeostasis to our bodies when a system is acting outside normal range. The ECS system can help regulate functions such as mood, inflammation, sleep, memory, pain and numerous medical conditions such as migraines and fibromyalgia.
How is this used in massage?
The CBD is added to the massage lotion or used on a specific area as a pain relieving muscle rub. Some muscle rubs also contain menthol which may give off a slight cooling sensation.
Add CBD to your massage today!
This and more information can be found at www.echoconnection.org